Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

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broadband internet / What is broadband? We explain it to you with a video

How to find out the actual speed of connections before changing suppliers? And how to evaluate the quality / price ratio of the various offers?
Andrea Galassi
by janbiel


school connection
Speed ​​of connection and quality / price ratio are fundamental parameters for choosing an Internet Service Provider, that is to say a provider of network access services. However, there are also other indicators that contribute to determining the quality of the offers made by the ISPs, such as data transmission delay and packet loss rate. Here is a guide to orient yourself in the market and identify the solution that best intercepts your needs.

What is the best ISP in the Italian fixed broadband market? Which Internet Service Provider provides the best network access service for a fixed location? To answer, we illustrate the parameters that contribute to determining the quality of the offers made by the operators active in Italy, the measurement and comparison services available to consumers, and the resources useful for getting to know the industry panorama.

Speed ​​is one of the basic parameters for choosing an ISP.

AGCOM (Authority for Communications Guarantees) distinguishes five types in the field of fixed broadband:

Transmission speed
It is the ability of the access network to transmit data from the terminal to the Internet and vice versa. The higher the value, the less time is required to transmit or receive data.

Alignment speed
It is the maximum available speed, at the time of data connection, negotiated between a residential modem and the nearest local exchange.


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Line speed
This is the maximum achievable speed of the data connection between a residential modem and the nearest local exchange. Theoretical speed
It is the maximum reachable speed for a given technology under ideal conditions, taken as a reference in the commercial offers published by the ISPs. In most cases, the Internet Service Providers advertise the download speed, that is, the data transmission speed from the network to the user (eg ADSL up to 20 Mega).

Effective speed
It is the speed of data exchange actually experienced by the user.

When evaluating the quality of an offer based on the velocity parameter, therefore, it should be kept in mind that the value indicated by the ISPs refers to the theoretical speed. A value that can certainly help consumers to address certain speed cuts (eg all ADSL offers up to 20 Mega), but that does not provide a complete and comprehensive picture.

Consumers are interested in knowing above all the actual services guaranteed by a fixed access Internet service. To this end, it is possible to use tools developed to measure actual speed (and other evaluation parameters).

Tools such as MisuraInternet Speed ​​Test, Ne.Me.Sys. and Ookla Speed ​​Test, useful for those who already have access to the Net and want to check and monitor their actual performance, and even for those who do not have a line, because the measurements carried out are also used to draw up reports, statistics and rankings in the public domain. has made available for years a Speed ​​Test that allows you to measure the speed of your ADSL line, based on the technology signed Ookla. The results obtained are collected and analyzed by the experts of the comparison website to elaborate studies and observers and to formulate opinions published in the comparison service.

Users of the service of comparison of the ADSL offers developed by SosTariffe can in fact order the results also based on the actual speed. Simply fill out a form that appears on the screen, indicating the Municipality of interest and your email address. A report on the fastest operators in the area will be sent to the e-mail address provided.

The actual speed has a significant weight even when ordering the results of the comparison service based on the judgments, and it is precisely one of the parameters that contribute to expressing the overall judgment concerning a given offer. The other elements are Assistance, Reliability, Value for Money and Additional Benefits. For each element, an explanation is available: just move the mouse over the reference item.

Netflix ISP Speed ​​Index
Another useful tool to know the actual performance provided by a fixed-line access service is the Netflix ISP Speed ​​Index developed by Netflix: this is a monthly ISP ranking based on the average transmission speed (bitrate) provided from the Internet Service Provider networks where the video content used by the customers of the streaming on demand service transit.Value for money
Evaluating a fixed broadband access service in terms of quality / price ratio is not how to evaluate the same in terms of actual speed. The latter, in fact, can be measured through the tools mentioned above and the results obtained can be processed to draw up rankings that have a certain degree of objectivity. On the other hand, the voice quality / price ratio is always subject to subjectivity, in the sense that valuations are left to undefined metrics such as those used in the instruments illustrated above.

Excluding these clarifications, the service for the comparison of the SosTariffe ADSL offers is no doubt worthwhile again. In addition to being able to rely on assessments related to the quality / price ratio formulated by users of ISPs active in Italy, it is also possible to order comparator results based on the first year cost, cost in the promotion period and out of promotion cost, and cross same results with the opinions expressed in terms of Assistance, Reliability, Additional Benefits and Speed.

In the screenshot you can also see two services integrated into the comparison engine: Request advice and Need help? Both allow to receive free assistance from the experts of, who will contact the consumer within 48 hours to help him choose the best solution on the market.

Useful resources to know and deepen the broadband theme
In addition to the services and tools mentioned above, consumers can also refer to some useful resources to get to know and deepen the broadband theme.

Communications Observatory
Every quarter, AGCOM publishes a Communications Observatory providing information on broadband access in Italy, including speed, NGA (Next Generation Access) broadband access and fixed telephony price indexes. The most recent Observatory on Communications is n. 4/2015.

Broadband and ultra-broad coverage - Infratel Italia
Infratel Italia is an in-house company at the Ministry of Economic Development, which is the implementing agent of the National Broadband Plan and the Government's Ultra-Broadband Strategic Plan: it provides a service that allows you to discover broadband and ultra-broadband coverage in your municipality. On the basis of the Infratel Italia data updated to 2014, SosTariffe produced a study entitled The state of broadband and ultra-broadband in Italy region by region, available for free download.

At the AgID website (Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale) the document concerning the Italian strategy for ultra-broadband is available for free download.

BIAC (Broadband Internet Access Cost) 2015
BIAC 2015 is a study commissioned by the European Commission that illustrates the retail prices for broadband access services in the 28 EU countries and in some non-EU countries. Prices refer to both standalone and bundle offers (broadband + voice or broadband + TV). The study, updated to the prices and offers in force in February 2015, is based on the information publicized by the ISPs. A limit highlighted by the European Commission itself.

European Digital Agenda - Information on the country Italy
On the website of the European Digital Agenda program there is a prospectus on Italy concerning the national broadband policy and plan, national and regional financial instruments for broadband, technologies and broadband development, national publications and the press document.

Akamai State of the Internet
Every quarter, Akamai Technologies publishes an Internet Status Report that provides a glimpse of key global and national statistics regarding connection speeds and broadband adoption. You can find the average and peak connection speed and the 4/10/15 Mbps broadband adoption rate in Italy.

OECD Broadband Access Data
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) makes available data on broadband access at global, regional and national levels:
- fixed broadband subscriptions (subscription of fixed broadband services);
-households with broadband access (families with fixed broadband access);

The Broadband Commission for Digital Development set up by ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) publishes a report on the state of broadband every year.

The State of Broadband 2015 is the latest available free download report.

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