Internet home: which solution to choose?
broadband internet / What is broadband? We explain it to you with a video
BY : janbiel
Guide to home internet connection
Give up the Internet at home today is virtually impossible, fortunately there are many solutions to meet the different needs is need: ADSL, fiber optics, without a landline like Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi, etc. By continuing to read, you will find out in detail the various types of connection for private use, so that you can choose the best one for you.
1 - Internet connection via ether
If you live in an area not reached by the fixed telephone network or if, for any reason, you prefer not to activate the telephone line, there are three main ways to surf from home at an interesting speed.
1.1 Wi-fi mobile 3G or 4G LTE
3 PocketCube wi-fi mobile LTEIl everything is entrusted to a light and very handy device (the mobile wifi router) that works as a 3G or 4G modem thanks to the possibility of installing, inside it, the Internet stick or a SIM Card data, through which it will be possible to connect to the mobile network of the chosen operator.
Among the advantages of this solution, there is certainly the possibility to share the connection between several devices at the same time (tablet, smartphone, pc), but also to be able to navigate without problems outside the home (it is a connection on a mobile network to all effects ).
Among the disadvantages, the monthly Internet traffic limit in GB (depending on the operator and the tariff plan chosen, there are offers from 30GB and 5GB offers) that for a very intensive use is sometimes not enough.
How and where to activate a mobile Wi-Fi internet service?
At mobile network operators (TIM, Wind, TRE, Vodafone, etc.), by activating a data SIM (internet connection only) or by purchasing a package including subscription and wi-fi mobile router included (the picture above shows the PocketCube router of 3 Italy); for more details, I invite you to visit the section dedicated to wi-fi.
Mobile wifi offers >>1.2 WiMax
This technology allows you to surf from home at a transmission speed comparable to ADSL and fiber, thanks to the installation of a small receiver (outside or inside the house) able to pick up and transmit the signal to the antennas of the a few words is a fixed internet system without a telephone line. If you want to know more about this technology I suggest you read the article "WiMax: the broadband connection via ether"
WiMax Offers >>
1.3 Satellite
The broadband satellite connection allows you to surf the internet up to 20 Mbps using a modem and a bidirectional dish to be installed outside your apartment.
Unlike what we saw for the wi-max here the internet transmission is always without cable but managed via satellites. Among the providers of this type of connection more known there is Tooway - Open Sky.
Satellite offers >>
1.4 Some considerations on the three solutions to connect to the internet at home
Of the three, Wi Fi mobile is the most practical solution if you want to have the convenience of connecting to the network wherever you are (on vacation, on a business trip, ...): just an electrical outlet and in some cases even that ( outside the home you can take advantage of the batteries).
Otherwise, the other two solutions are not "portable" like Wi Fi Mobile; moreover, in the choice you must also take into account the aesthetic impact on the front of the house (the satellite dish much more obvious and ugly than the Wimax antennine) and the fact that there is a need for a specialized installation technician.
2 ADSL internet connection
If, however, you are reached by the telephone line and you have decided to take advantage of this service, the connection with ADSL technology is the solution with an excellent quality / price ratio.
Again you have three alternatives to choose from:ADSL without a telephone: activate only the data connection, without having the possibility to call and receive phone calls at home.
ADSL with GB and consumer telephony: in addition to activating the data line, also active telephone. The internet has a maximum limit of GB (for example 25 every 4 weeks for Infostrada Esasy Internet), while the calls cost only the connection charge).
ADSL and telephone all included: unlike the previous case, here you have included the phone calls in the monthly fee. The connection charge can be included in the package (flat) or not.
2.1 Which type of ADSL offer to choose?
The three proposals obviously have a very different cost, from the cheapest to the most expensive (all included, with phone calls without connection fee) there are about € 10 difference per month ..
The choice of which of the three is the best is, of course, commensurate with the use of the domestic telephone line: those who use a lot the landline phone will prefer the offers with phone calls without jerk (average cost in promotion € 25 / month), who instead , makes very few phone calls can prefer a package with phone calls at the cost of the shot (average cost in promotion € 20 / month).
The offers with ADSL to GB should be chosen only by those who use the internet to download mail, connect to social networks, go shopping. In this case the costs become very competitive and comparable to the mobile wifi.
To deepen the topic I suggest you visit the section "Guide and offers adsl home"
ADSL home rates >>
3 Internet on fiber-optic network
If, finally, your home is already reached by the fiber optic network, you can evaluate the convenience of using this latest generation technology for your navigation.
The connection on a fiber optic network allows you to surf at much faster speeds than ADSL (today in some geographical areas it can reach 1 Giga) and, therefore, to download large files in a short time; moreover, the vision of multimedia contents has a superior quality (for more details read the article "How optical fiber works: from FTTH to FTTC ... let's find out together").
At the same time, you will be able to call and receive both a flat and a consumption phone call.
3.1 When should I pay more for a fiber network?
There is however to add that with the fiber technology the monthly costs grow significantly: therefore, depending on your needs may or may not be an economic choice.
For example, if you use your home network just to check your mail and social networks, fiber could be a waste; if, on the other hand, you use the internet connection to watch movies in high-definition streaming and perhaps simultaneously on multiple devices (for example via Netflix, Now Tv, Premium online, etc.) or download large files (photo albums or music tracks) it could be a fair investment.
To learn more about this topic, I suggest you visit the "Home fiber guides and offers" section
Comparison of fiber optic tariffs >>
Internet home: what are the best offers?
There is, therefore, a solution to surf from home that suits everyone and, above all, always (your needs over time can easily change): this is why you should use the comparator to find the best home internet offer.
Simply click on "home internet rates" and you will have at your disposal the best rates, according to your needs.Home Internet Offers comparison
Guide to home internet connection
Are you looking for the best offer to connect to the internet at home?
Today you have several technologies available and as a result the internet home offers are multiplied day by day: how to then choose the best solution without throwing money away?
In this guide you will discover the technologies available to connect to the internet at home, analyzed from an economic point of view, so that you can choose the best home internet offer in relation to your connection needs.
As I said, we will only deal with the economic aspect, but if you want to learn more from the point of view of technology, I invite you to read the article Internet home: which solution to choose ?.
Fiber optic home offers
Fiber optic cable The currently best technology, for speed, to connect to the internet at home, is Fiber Optic. It is ideal for those who need to surf without limits of time and traffic, for those who download large files, and then for those who watch many movies and videos in streaming, because the speed and the lack of limits allow you to do it in a comfortable way .
If you have these needs, the fiber optic internet connection is the right solution for you.
The operators that offer it are different, and this technology is active in most of the big cities and in the surrounding areas. The speed is not the same for everyone, because it depends on both the range of the operator's cables and the connection we have at home, even if we are covered by the fiber. This is why it is important to know the difference between FTTC fiber and FTTH, which greatly affects the connection speed.
As for the most interesting fiber optic offers of the moment, in the following table you will find the best fiber offers, updated in real time:
ADSL home offers
Adsl filter For those who are not covered by the Fiber connection, there is still the possibility of having unlimited internet, even at a lower speed, thanks to ADSL.
ADSL is a useful solution both for those who are not reached by new technologies, or for those who do not have much need for internet access at home, perhaps because they use it only to surf from a smartphone, and not too often: this way they can save about 10 euros a month compared to the cheapest Fiber Optic offers, which correspond to 120 euros per year. Not a little, if we do not need further, considering that you save a little more with the internet home offers without phone.
If you are interested in learning more about the ADSL connection (always available even if Fiber is available in your area) you can consult our guide to ADSL offers, where you will also find an ADSL comparison.
If, instead, you want to immediately see the best offers you can consult the following table, to understand how much savings you can get compared to the Fiber offers.
WiMax and Satellite Internet
internet wimaxIt is the best solution for those who want internet at home without a telephone network. WiMax is a widespread technology, and above all, being wireless, it is located in mountainous or hilly areas not reached by the ADSL connection.For those who do not have a wired network, or for whatever reason do not want to put the fixed phone, it must be taken into consideration: WiMax has no time limits and connection traffic, it is roughly the same as an ADSL and usually costs a little less, even if not a lot (3-5 euros a month less than ADSL, on average, which is about 50 euros a year saved).
To learn more about WiMax you can read our guide to WiMax.
As for satellite internet, this is an extreme solution, neither economic (ranging from 30 to 100 euros per month, depends on traffic), nor convenient, because it has traffic limits as opposed to WiMax. In places, however, where there is no other possibility of connection, it is still an alternative that is worth knowing, for internet home without a telephone.
On this page we have collected all the articles related to WiMax and satellite connection.
Wimax offers and satellite home >>
Wi-Fi Mobile with SIM
TP-link mobile wifi router This solution is useful for those who, at home, surf a little and do it only for essential things, so it is especially interested in saving.
It is based on small modems based, in turn, on a SIM card, with an offer from the telephone operator: this offer will have traffic limits, which are usually exceeded by watching a few movies in streaming, so the solution is certainly not ideal for who surfs a lot.
However, the average cost of such an offer is (depending on traffic) 10/15 euros per month, so a nice saving compared to the fixed connection, especially when the latter is not needed.
In this case you can consult the section of the site dedicated to Wi-Fi Mobile offers, to choose the best solution for your needs.
Offers Wifi mobile home >>
Internet home: which offers to choose to connect to the best?
Internet home offers: which are the best?
The internet offers we have available today, in general, are many and very varied.
From internet home offers to internet offers with telephone, from WiMax to mobile, and taking advantage of home internet promotions, you can get to spend little and have internet based on our needs.
The advice we can give is to understand precisely how much you plan to use the internet at home, then choose the best technology for you, to best match your needs at a cost that is not too high.
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